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      Although Bryan started his career as a strict conformist to Chinese style paintings, he was unsatisfied with the lack of depth in his paintings.  On the other hand, he enjoyed the vibrancy and color of American paintings but this style did not have realistic characteristics that he desired.

     Bryan started innovatively experimenting with different painting techniques until he created a unique style that is all his own.  In order to accomplish this, Bryan has branched out into a new mixed medium format where he adds metallic ore to paint for a vivid look and feel.  



Bryan Yung was born in Hong Kong in 1959.  Art was a mandatory subject in school so he started painting at a very early age.  As a student of Tai Tung Art College, Bryan won first place at a Hong Kong-wide art competition. Bryan traveled to China several times and spent a total of one year there.  Due to the vast size of China, the scenery varies greatly from region to region.  He traveled to the scenic Guilin Mountains, the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, the sandy beaches of Hainan and the ice mountains of the Himalayas. The enormity of the country and the variety of nature there had a lasting impact on his artwork that is still in evidence today.  Additionally, Bryan spends hours each day studying birds and nature.  Since his style of painting is characterized by its’ realistic portrayal of nature, this attention to detail is critical.   Bryan has exhibited at many shows including as far east as the Boardwalk Art Show in Virginia Beach, Virginia to the Gold Coast Art Fair in Chicago, Illinois and as far North as Wickford Art Festival in Wickford, Rhode Island to the Gasparilla Art Show in Tampa, Florida.  In addition to his art show schedule, Bryan has also taught students the art of Oriental painting.


Vibrant… Realistic…


Bryan Yung
Bryan with award-winning painting

Awards Received

·  Best in Show

ü  51st Annual Downtown Bethlehem Arts Festival – 2016

ü4th Annual Coquina Beach Festival – 2011

·  1st Place

ü  Festival of the Arts – Destin, FL – 2014

ü  Old Florida Celebration – Cedar Keys, FL  – 2013

ü  Festival in the Park – Roanoke, VA – 2003


·  2nd Place

üChicago Botanical Gardens Art Fest -2011

ü Festival in the Park – Richmond, VA – 2006

ü Syracuse Arts Festival – Syracuse, NY 2006

ü Virginia Fall Foliage – Waynesboro, VA – 2004 

·  3rd Place

ü Festival in the Park – Richmond, VA – 2011

ü Mystic Arts Festival – Mystic, CT – 2008

ü Festival in the Park – Roanoke, VA – 2005 

·  Other Awards

ü Art on the Lawn – 2003 – Judges Choice

ü Artsplosure – 2004 – Merit Award

ü Art Affair – 2009 – Judges Choice

ü Gainesville Art Show -2011 

Bryan Yung ●email:  artwork @bryanyung.com ● web site:  www.bryanyung.com● (804) 432-2947